the iranians. and we ll ta to senator mark kirk. and his mother wrote a letter to the president while her son was serving in stan tan and the president wrote back. we ll talk to that service member and what inspired the commander-in-chief to respond. stay with us. [ male announcer ] this is coach parker. whose non-stop day starts with back pain. and a choice. take advil no and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. prego?! but i ve been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i ve made? [ 80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
it calls for mexican trucks to be allowed acess to u.s. highways. and it is now implemented. and safety concerns over the mexican trucks. illegal immigration . they weighed in on this week so called magnet policiless that atracked them across the border. texas governor rick perry critized for offering instate tuition rates to undocumented students. those people who hire illegals all to be penalized and mitt, you lose all of your spanding because you hired illegals in your home. it is hard in this country to know of people who are contractors if they are illegal. if i am president we will have
than ever before. call the number on your screen right now. that was the president speaking at the white house. joining system senator mark kirk. thank you for having me, uma. what is your reaction to the withdrawal of the troops. is that for his reelection effort it is or a deal breaker with iraq? i am worried that the united states has accepted risk that the government of iraq could
found out the president got in touch with her. i don t believe it. i heard about the letter and he wrote back. i assume it was thank you for writing it was not until i met with eli my mother had been a pen pal with the commander-in-chief. amazing. these letters are vetted and there is a huge staff that decide which want to get away. and they moved it to a secret and 50 full-time safer. it is a filter. and they measure the metrics of the mail and 50 percent are positive and 50 percent are negative. and he will see the reflection
collapse or become an ally of iran. the negotiations should have been handled better . a residual presence should remain so that we lock in the gains so hard won. what about the political calculation in an election year? the president promised that but long-term promise he should make is support the national security in the united states and if iraq becomes a collapsed state or ally of iran it would hurt the long-term security of our country. are you confident that iraq will protect itself from the outside forces? i am not. the united states military is able with a residual presence to do a lot on intelience a support and planning logistics side . without that we may break down