$3.5 trillion bill. i m hearing it ll be closer to $2 trillion. there s a lot of disagreement on literally $1.5 trillion. that s the holdup here. i don t know what the plan b is. because democrats are leaning in on this two-track system. it was shaky when they decided to go this route to begin with. there were probls from the very day it was announced. now, the democrats have to pull it off because they ve dn saying for weeks that they could. yamiche alcindor, thank you for your reporting. ll be watching this closely. congressional hearings will continue today for three top defense officials regarding last month s u.s. withdrawal fm afghanistan. joint chiefs chairman mark milley, defense secrety lloyd austin, and u.s. cenom commander kenneth mckenzie will testify before the house armed services committee this morning, after answering questions fm the sene armed services committee yesterday. the focus of sterday s hearings was supposed to be