patrol agents to intimidate and in the worst case abuse and do illegal activities in these victims. laura: a systematic effort to abuse and intimidate? just disgusting. is anybody talking about the 4,000 men and women and children saved by border patrol this year? anybody talking about the children laura: it s happening every day. they bring toys to these facilities for them to play with.t they took home sicknesses to their families by the men and women of the border patrol true american patriots doing a tough job in the difficult situation. congress failure created this whole mess. if they want to blame someone for children being in overcrowded detention placement it s their fault. they failed to fund, they took them months to finally come to agreed that, okay, we ll giveenr you money. once again some of that money? children aren t moved in 72 hours? only laura: 250 now. this would ve never happened. laura: by the way, sober up
we are fighting the democrats. the democrats want open border. that means crime. it will go before congress. it s going to have tremendous republican support. i hope we can get enough democrat support to get it passed. now, the plan does not address what to do about daca and doesn t address the undocumented population already here making democrats skeptical. senator dick durbin had this to say. there have been so many aborted efforts when it comes to immigration reform under this president. i have i m skeptical as to whether he truly wants to deal with immigration. someone who does want to deal with it senator lindsey graham unveiling his legislation yesterday forcing migrants to apply for asylum in their own countries or mexico and adding more immigration judges. graham s plan is mostly nsync with whamost insync with t wants to do. issue the same number of green cards as it does currently. that visa lottery system will be eliminated.
trump says when she s asked about this, which he will be. i think she also and her lawyers do, but she doesn t know what qualifies as classified or not. i don t know that we should take her word for it on that either. i want to ask you one more thing. schiff is going to be the chair of that committee. he called for trump s pick for acting attorney general unconstitutional. trump responds on twitter, so funny to see adam replace the f with t s and you get an expletive. bob mueller was not approved by the senate, and wlitaker was not approved by the senate. wow! mr. president, that s a good one. anything that can justify
and i had problems with the direction in which the president was going. he engaged members of the conservative movement, champions of free markets, and at least we got him to tailor it to really bad actors who who caused us major problems. how has he tailored it? so i m pleased with t excue me? how has he tailored it? he s tailored it by, in fact, focussing in on the real principle bad actors in this case. naturally, you know that that s china. well then go after china specifically. how how about india and and that s what that s what he s doing. he s moving moving to that sort of specificity. he in fact has worked with those folks who are definite allies in terms of national security and trade. if it s going after china it s reciprocal.
being jerks with guys who are actual predators. and the women involved in this and the people on the t left argue that well we don t want him and others to trivials these serious allegations. what really trivializes them, tucker, when you do compare a man calling youu beautiful as you walk down the hallway or maybe rubbing your back with an act of rape that trivializes those survivors, what they have been through. and i think as most people understand that, as we listen to as you read what matt damon said. and this is now our challenge. because this is what the left always does. i they use a serious issue that people, we know it has to be dealt with.t and then write it and then abuse it, they go too far. it s almost like the french revolution. people begin to do things simply because they can. and they use it for revenge or because they can t stop their rage. and then everybody is going