With Parler, the dynamic social media platform that’s taking the internet by storm, you can tap into its full potential. If you’ve been wondering how to utilize this unique platform and connect with like-minded individuals, this is the video for you. We’ll go over the pros and cons of using Parler in this article.In essence, […]
From the point of view of someone fighting authoritarian regimes in Russia, Turkey or elsewhere, it appears that US tech firms are aligning themselves with the political winners.
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Presented by Coalition for App Fairness
With help from Cristiano Lima, John Hendel and Steven Overly
Editor’s Note: Morning Tech is a free version of POLITICO Pro Technology s morning newsletter, which is delivered to our subscribers each morning at 6 a.m. The POLITICO Pro platform combines the news you need with tools you can use to take action on the day’s biggest stories.
Gab Vs Parler (Jan) Valueable Discussion Compiled Below
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Gab VS Parler (Jan) Valueable Discussion Compiled Below Find out how unlimited freedom can lead to complete chaos.
Today, you can get
worldwide information just by a click. It’s easy to influence people and give them information to follow a specific plan of action. But without barriers by the states or the developers themselves, it could be a dangerous weapon, which can incite people to raise severe conflicts and disturb the peace, law, and order amongst the state.
The recent protest or “insurgency,” stands as one of the great examples at the capitol. Two sites- Gab and Parler stood out to incite people on the pretext of free speech. Aftermath, a trend started called “