g ukraine. and he talked about i do not expect this from the governor, thought this would come from th om other foreign policy hands of the state but governor berge did talk about how the failures in afghanistan were in that two-year anniversary. right now i think you don t sen a trace on the anniversary of 1 man and woman who died in that disastrous13, chaotic withdrawas in afghanistanta. and governor bergen mentionedd that is one o the reasons why put invaded and so the twof th key candice lee remind the american people, thi is biden s failure this is his mess we are having to clean up e and rebecca your thoughts a it because morgan brings up a good point saying we would have liked morebrin foreign policy t on what would you have liked to have been covered in that de debate? i would like more fleshing out this concept of the united c states being in a cold war with china. i i think it was governor bergen who mentioned that and phrase i that way, and i think that in int needs
sent my kathy a letter askin him to bring a band to a vote. so robert, this issue comes up again and again. to, me it is clearly one of th key reasons why the averag american does not trus politicians. do they not even care, are the yelling me to death and then laughing all the way to th bank it was not me it was my kids wife, neighbor give me a break. look, i worked on this issue when worked for then senator barack obama when he was in the senate the first two years of his first term, and we took on ethics reform and all, boy talk about becoming unpopula quickly. it is just not an issue that most members of congress wan to deal with i wish i had better news for you stephanie. i think as long as this is legal, as long as they are allowed not to put, or not required to put them in a blind, trust or allowed to buy sell and trade stocks, here are jus going to have the swapping o
fact that they can say in, public let s do it, but they never actually have to place a vote of course, there is tons of talk about addressing this but, in the end, then speake mckenzie pelosi never brough it to a vote republicans, two last year kevin mccarthy said he would consider barring lawmakers fro trading any stocks i republicans re-took the house. of course they did, we hav heard absolutely nothing fro the new speaker on the subject according to insiders, a group of democrats or frustrated b pelosi s inaction, and eve sent my kathy a letter askin him to bring a band to a vote. so robert, this issue comes up again and again. to, me it is clearly one of th key reasons why the averag american does not trus politicians. do they not even care, are the yelling me to death and then laughing all the way to th bank it was not me it was my kids wife, neighbor