With growth forecast at 3.1 percent in its gross domestic product (GDP) this year, Brazil should jump two positions and become the world's ninth largest economy in 2023, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced Tuesday (Dec. 19). The country should end the year with a GDP of $2.13 trillion, overtaking Canada's estimated $2.12 trillion, the institution stated. Last year, Brazil ranked 11th. Noticias relacionadas: Third quarter GDP exceeded expectations, governmentsays. By 2026, Brazil could rise one position and become the eighth largest economy on the planet, with an estimated GDP of $2.476 trillion, the IMF argues. The forecasts were based on the World Economic Outlook report released in October. At the time, the IMF estimated a growth of 3.1 percent in Brazil's GDP this year, against a predicted 2.1 percent in the previous report. According to the IMF, the US, China, and Germany should continue to be the world's largest economies this year. The agency projects