vote, but some of them, an this is the important part some of them can vote yet. there s a lot of children in middle school, in high school, who are leading this movemen because they don t want to continue to be viewed and seen as the school shooting generation and there is a deep-seated believe and a hope that th future that they inherit, th future that they create as one that is free from this type of violence so, they re taking action now. and this is the responsibility of people in positions of powe to help build this multiracial and this intergenerational movement for change. and i love the fact representative jones, that you also included hospitals, makin sure people are not hungry this is a movement that is bigger if you are really pro-life, yo want to people to eat, you wan them to survive high school. you are all our great. this is my unbiased opinion. y all are great. sign me up thank you, tennessee state representatives, justin j. pearson, well justin jones, an gloria john
use effective birth control while on dovato. do not breastfeed while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about switching to dovato. what you re doing in tennessee is giving hope, so thank you so much for standing up for your rights, protecting each other, and holding the people accountable who should be protecting us. a shout out from lizzo in knoxville this weekend back with me are tennessee state representatives justin j. pearson, justin jones, and gloria johnson, following their meeting today with president biden at the white house representative jones, i want to read to you the list of what actually passed in your state legislature during this session. it was further limits on
did, was raised the spectrum o an individual federal judg overruling 23 years of medical safety results, overruling a regulatory process that wa intense and vigorous, an cautionary steps and the implication that tha could have, potentially, on th future of drugs in this countr is really terrifying the president last nigh said, vice president, said ultimately, this is likely going to get solved by voter electing a congress that wil codify the protections that we knew of existing in roe v. wade that hasn t happened it didn t happen for the entir time roe v. wade was law, unde democratic administrations some argue democrats, for th next election, have to fully fully lean into this issue because most of americans favo legal abortion that hasn t changed for while. what is your sense of it having served in the federal government what is your sense of the wa out of this situation?
yeah. no, you re not watching the beat we are talking about a i, th future of a ice as a whole lot like drake and the weekend the song you just heard wasn t created by them. it was created by artificial intelligence, and fake drake as it s now called, racked u millions of views, despite not being written or performed b either of those artist themselves it arrives amid growing call for regulation of a.i., with the ftc announcing later today it will charter companies that use a.i. twilight laws against discrimination or deception. with us for more, my old friend,
and our rights to make decisions but our bodies florida is one of a doze states that has approved a ban on most abortion after six weeks. that is when most women don even know they are pregnant. rhonda scent just signed the law into law on thursday if this ban takes effect thi summer, it would basically close off access to abortion i the south. north and south carolina remai the only exceptions, as we hav this conversation. but they could impose their ow tighter restrictions in th future for more on florida s ban an re-life implications for thi decision, we want to bring i she is a health reporter for the nightly news you are like the guru an what s happening on this if i can just say so myself. so florida had a band, in th decide that wasn t good enough and they instituted this