VisitScotland launches new Witch Trail, inviting visitors to discover dark legends, truly magical places and observe ways to live like a modern-day witch in Scotland. EDINBURGH, Scotland
West Sussex has the most electric vehicle friendly road trip in Britain, new figures show
New research from HiyaCar has revealed that West Sussex offers the most electric vehicle friendly route for road trips in the UK.
Friday, 21st May 2021, 5:59 pm
The car rental company collated 22 of Britain’s most beautiful car journeys and found out how many charging points there are on each per mile.
The trip from Crawley to Brighton on the B2306, which goes through the West Sussex countryside, came in at number one, providing 23 charging points over 24 miles.
“With the travel restrictions currently in place, it is likely that a lot of people will be opting for holidays at home this year,” said co-founder and CEO of HiyaCar Graeme Risby.