The Royal Horticultural Society has incurred the wrath of its members for chopping down a giant wisteria, amid claims it was destroyed because of “health and safety”.
24.07.2021, 05.15
Kar nekaj je rastlin, ki so zapisane v srcih Japoncev. Zlahka srečali tako na vrtovih kot tudi v parkih dežele vzhajajočega sonca.
Japonske vrtove preveva umirjeno vzdušje in zadržana barvna paleta. Med rastlinami, ki so malodane stalne spremljevalke vrtov Japonske, je nekaj takšnih, ki na skrbno izbranem mestu in ob ustrezni negi lepo uspevajo tudi pri nas.
Wikimedia Commons/Frederik Togsverd
Azaleje in
rododendroni, posajeni v skupine, se spomladi odenejo v bleščeče cvetove. Za rast potrebujejo kislo prst, zato je zanje treba pripraviti ustrezno gredo s šotno prstjo. Uspevajo tudi v loncih, ki so lahko plitvi, saj rododendron razvije plitve korenine. Bistveno je, da lonec napolnite s šotnim substratom in rastlini redno dodajate gnojilo za rododendrone.
Maya AfzaalGetty Images
Looking to buy plants online? Whether you want to buy bedding plants, seeds, shrubs or trees, now is the time time to get your garden or balcony prepped for spring and summer and make it a space that you can enjoy all year-long. No outdoor space? Bring the outdoors in by injecting greenery into your home with houseplants.
The pandemic and consequent lockdown restrictions saw the nation embrace gardening like never before, as we were all confined to our homes. Whether it was renovating a once-neglected outside space, tending to a tiny vegetable patch or embracing container gardening on a balcony, we all went plant-crazy. There was an exceptionally high demand in buying plants online for home delivery. Online nurseries and garden centres experienced extremely high volumes, with some having to suspend new orders, implement daily thresholds and introduce virtual queuing systems.