pretty intensive therapy she is getting now, six hours a day, including trying to really build up the strength in that side of the body. amazing. sanjay gupta giving us an update on how this is going and it sounds wonderful. thanks so much. you got it. top stories coming up after a quick break. about their aller, and what it lets them do. i love that because of zyrtec®, we can all stay together as a family. [ male announcer ] we bet you ll love zyrtec®, too or it s free. he really has a very special relationship with his cat. achievement: loves working capital. achievement: puts receivables to work. achievement: expects a lot of itself. cfo: cash flow options, helping business achievers better manage their cash flow. pnc. for the achiever in us all.
palm oil, some of the ingredients they use in some consumer products have been rising. you can see a 1 or 2% increase in things like that. so the price that you pay for something is the raw materials. those have been rising for just about everything. it s labor, that s been rising in certain countries, where companies have moved labor where they thought it would remain very, very cheap for them. packaging, that s increased. shipping, that s increased. then you have a little piece of profit. that s the whole price thing there. a lot of those prices have been rising. profits have not. and so some companies will start to raise prices. you re going to see it. any tips? i mean, buy in bulk? anything? can you buy in season? the coupon thing is what gets me. a lot of families that are using a lot of coupons and being smart and frugal ease at thats ruling the world handling their food budget. if you re going to see the manufacturers coupons, that s going to hit those people. the usda says
14 minutes past the hour right now. we re talking money and budgets. exciting stuff. maybe it doesn t sound exciting, but affects all of us. president obama s money team is getting ready this morning to try to sell this thing, this 2012 huge budget proposal to congress. and today treasury secretary tim geithner, white house budget director, jacob lou and health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius will all get the chance to make the administration s case for the spending plan, a plan that includes more than $1 trillion to try to chip away at the deficit. you can t cut $1 trillion in spending without affecting somebody. and a lot of somebodies. you, maybe. we ll bring in christine romans here now. and again, this is just a proposal. it s a request, a long way to go. that s right. but still, people are talking about a lot of things that could affect just about all of us. i think it has to go through
i ll take those animals fright me for 400. her pedaphobia. watson. what. is reptile. watson. what. is baghdad. correct. watson. what. is birmingham. yes. watson? what is buffalo? buffalo, yes. well, you ran that category, watson. i had no idea. question mark is not what we were looking for. how much did you wager, watson? $26,999, bringing you up to just a dollar short of $60,000. . i want you to know i did know a lot of the answers but i couldn t the buzzer is hard. i couldn t figure out how to buzz in. well, that s humbling. yeah, we all use the buzzer as the excuse. we ve heard that a few times here. you know what was interesting, there was one category that watson did not do well at, and i didn t either, it was laundry detergent. who would?
place any kind of future in egypt. the issue is, i know, that this brings a lot of fear it must have been analysts, policy makers, but i think our focus here should be on building safeguards and institutions in egypt, a system in egypt that actually would prevent any power, be it the military generals or the muslim brotherhood or an autocrat, even an individual, from monopolizing power. the focus should be on an institution. focus on institutions and the structures that can promote a healthy and conducive democratic society. and in this case, the muslim brotherhood will be like the other key players in the system, and they cannot always be prevented from monopolizing power. can the united states enjoy an ally status, the likes of what the relationship between egypt and the u.s. was before, with some facet of the government being controlled by the muslim brotherhood?