conference committee that speaker boehner appointed, five have issued statements against any pay roll tax cut. this is a ludicrous sham. five have already made up their minds on the issue. and there is no one else at the table. it s a total sham. the house republicans have opposed a pay roll tax cut extension all year. they have had all year to bring the bill up. try to make sure we can extend it and not allow this 11th hour down to the wire nail biter to occur for the 160 million working families that are going to have a thousand dollars come out of their paycheck if we don t take up this bill. we need to do what our leader nancy pelosi and the democratic caucus did when she sent the letter to speaker boehner urging him to call the house back into session so that we can take up the senate bill which passed 89-10. senator dean heller from nevada has said the house republicans are doing the wrong thing. senator snow has said the same