Winty Davidson once told me that he and I are cousins. When I asked him how he came to that conclusion he told me he had checked. While I was tempted to challenge him, I had learnt early in ou.
In a world grappling with flailing social complexities, the significance of compassion and emotional learning (mCEL) has never been more apparent. mCEL, my strongly advocated examinable process (by CE, PEP, CSEC, CAPE, and the like) for acquiring.
As Jamaicans, we have become normalised to watching or listening to daily reports of gun violence meted out to our citizens. The murder statistics are a daily part of the news cycle. The murders a.
Dr Herbert Gayle argues that murders can be brought down across the region within 15 years if scientific approaches are used to handle violence, with preventative, structural, and long-las.
Earlier this month a staff member recounted to me her community’s discussion surrounding the discovery of charred human remains on the Content main road in St Andrew reported in the media. A commu.