State Senator Mary Edly-Allen announced 12 school districts in the 31st District have received more than $27,000 to provide resources to libraries through books, e-books, audiobooks, periodicals, mult.
State Sen. Mary Edly-Allen announced that 15 school districts across the area will receive over $12 million in additional funding to help address the financial challenges of recent years.
Now Dickson, Green, an incumbent, and Segura are engaged in a contest with, Rebecca “Becki” Matteson, incumbent Katherine B. Roane and Elizabeth McGinnis, for four open seats on the Winthrop Harbor Board of Education in the April 4 election, giving voters a clear choice.
Only Lear and fellow District 6 board incumbent Robert Surano filed to run with the Lake County Clerk’s Office, meaning there are two ballot options with three vacancies open after board President Ruth Davis didn’t file to run again.
How much did Illinois teacher Joanna R. Vanecek make with Indian Prairie Community Unit School District 204 before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?