students at one college can earn credit for attending a white privilege conference. the online course called intersections of privilege requires students at the university of colorado at colorado springs to attend the annual conference held in michigan. professor abby fervour not only teaches the course but is also a co-organizer of the event. according to faculty profile she is wildly recognized as a leading scholar of the far right. i will send it back to you. brian: right. certain things not worth extra credit. you might want to skip that. steve: all right. adam klotz not getting extra credit. this is actually his job to do the weather. he joins us from outside where it s not snowing unlike yesterday at this time. adam: finally guys. it must be spring in no. i m standing outside and it s not snowing. instead it s 40 degrees and going to rain a little bit later today. not the best weather. there are spots across the country where we are still talking about frigid winter like weather.