military strikes to the western part of the country. what do you make of of that? what you think their strategy is at this point? i think the russians would like to have at least two bands of encirclement around kyiv. one to close in on the city. a second, to keep any resupply or reinforcement out of the city. this is pretty much standard in in in urban warfare siege situations. and we have to remember that vladimir putin s orders were to encircle and besiege kyiv, and then force a change in the government. so, yes, it s been really tough on the russians. they ve had poor command and control, poor planning, and and perhaps the wettest winter and warmest winter in in ten years. in the area. so, traffic is bad but they are eventually going to be able to or at least try to complete that encirclement from the west, as well as up from the south. and the east. so, this is where the battle