City reverses course and decides to keep temporary Lawrence homeless shelter open. And cleanup continues at the site of a massive Kansas oil spill. These and other stories can be found here. Our headlines are prepared daily by KPR news staffers.
These area headlines are curated by KPR news staffers, including J. Schafer, Laura Lorson, Kaye McIntyre, and Tom Parkinson. Our headlines are generally posted by 10 am weekdays, 11 am weekends. This news summary is made possible by KPR listener-members. Become one today. And follow KPR News on Twitter.
Jennifer Adams’ eyes were red Monday morning from crying off and on since Friday, from crying off and on since Friday, when the city issued a batch of eviction notices to people experiencing homelessness at the support camp in North Lawrence.
As the Lawrence community considers different strategies for a citywide response to the homelessness crisis, residents of a temporary campsite are living through the reality of the situation day to day.