Choose To Lose Group Choose To Lose Group met at Boyce Church on August 1 with Penny Perorazio presiding. The meeting opened up with the pledge of allegian
WINONA The Winona Ruritan Club met July 25 at Winona Friends Church. President Rob Doyle Jr. called the meeting to order and led the group in the singing of “America.” Vice President Homer Althouse gave the Invocation. The caterer provided a meal of tossed vegetable salad with choice of dressing, spaghetti with meatballs, Italian […]
WINONA – The Winona Ruritan Club met May 23 at the Winona Friends Church. President Rob Doyle Jr. called the meeting to order and led the group in singing “America.” Vice President Homer Althouse gave the invocation. Caterer Chris Phillis served the meal. Secretary Lee Stamp called the roll of members with 18 present. He […]
WINONA – The Winona Ruritan Club met April 25 at the Winona Friends Church. Secretary E. Lee Stamp called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. April is the club’s annual Father, Daughter, Granddaughter, Great-Granddaughter dinner meeting. Stamp welcomed everyone to the multi-generational gathering. Everyone stood and and sang “America.” Vice President Homer Althouse gave […]
WINONA – The Winona Ruritan Club met March 28 at the Winona Friends Church. President Rob Doyle Jr. was working to get electricity back on for individuals after the weekend storm tore down trees and electric lines. Secretary Lee Stamp filled in as president and called the meeting to order, leading the group in the […]