Group Captain Varun Singh, the Directing Staff at the Defence Services Staff College in Wellington, Tamil Nadu, and the lone survivor of the ill-fated Mi-17V5 helicopter that crashed near Coonoor on Wednesday, killing 13 persons on board, can share details of the flight once he recovers.
Group Captain Varun Singh, the lone survivor of the chopper crash is expected to be shifted to Bengaluru for further treatment, sources said. His condition is said to be stable.It is learnt, the facilities in the Bengaluru hospital are much .
Group Captain Varun Singh, the Directing Staff at the Defence Services Staff College (DSSC) in Wellington, Tamil Nadu, and the lone survivor of the ill-fated Mi-17V5 helicopter crash near Coonoor on Wednesday is battling for life with 80-85 per cent burn injuries, said a senior Tamil Nadu government official.
Group Captain Varun Singh, the lone survivor of the chopper crash is expected to be shifted to Bengaluru for further treatment, sources said. His condition is said to be stable.