Economic development group s rebranding call to action for more business in Windsor-Essex
The Windsor-Essex Economic Development Corporation has spent $50,000 to rebrand itself with a new name, logo and website. The latter was created by a group based outside the region leaving some community members wondering why website creation couldn t be kept local.
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CBC News ·
Posted: Apr 29, 2021 8:07 PM ET | Last Updated: April 30
Stephen MacKenzie says the new brand uses clear and concise messaging to attract investments into Windsor-Essex. (Sanjay Maru/CBC)
The WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation has new name and a new brand now called Invest WindsorEssex.
Two divisions within Invest WindsorEssex have also undergone changes as part of the rebrand. The WindsorEssex Small Business Centre (SBC) is now operating as the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre (SBEC), and has launched a new website, The Institute for Border Logistics and Security (IBLS) is now operating as Invest WindsorEssex Automobility and Innovation Centre.
“Our regional businesses have evolved their business models over the past year, and we too recognize the need to adapt our organization. As Invest WindsorEssex, our message is clear that we are committed to promoting and advancing economic opportunities in Windsor-Essex in a modern and competitive way,” said Stephen MacKenzie, President and CEO, Invest WindsorEssex.