Not everyone is running Windows 11 on their PC there are many who are not even running Windows 10. If you are one of a surprisingly large number of people still rocking an old version of Windows, you will be well aware that Windows Update no longer works.
The Windows 21H1 update, and why I won’t miss Windows 10X
Even as Microsoft released Windows 10 21H1, it made clear this week that Windows 10X isn t going anywhere. Some thoughts. Microsoft / Vchal / Getty Images
Disclosure Microsoft is a client of the author.
I started focusing on Windows as an external analyst in 1994, during the ramp-up to Windows 95. In fact, 1995 was a near-magical time for me as the lead launch analyst for Windows; it turned my first and only year at Dataquest into a traveling and media extravaganza.
Reminder: in 1995, laptops were not very useful. They cost a fortune, had no performance, and battery life was measured in minutes. There wasn’t yet a build-it-yourself desktop option, hardware was kept for more than five years, and with desktops and monitors, you could have any color you liked, as long as it was sickly beige.