Wall Street analysts predict that Nielsen Holdings plc (NYSE:NLSN – Get Rating) will post sales of $875.99 million for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks. Three analysts have issued estimates for Nielsen’s earnings. The highest sales estimate is $891.00 million and the lowest is $865.00 million. Nielsen posted sales of $863.00 million in the […]
The stock market was unkind to NIELSEN HOLDINGS PLC in premarket trading MONDAY (3/21) after the company s Board of Directors rejected a $9 billion, $25.40/share takeover bid from an investment group led by ELLIOTT MANAGEMENT GROUP on SUNDAY (3/21). Shares dropped 17.55% in trading as of 8:15a (ET) to $20.15/share before the opening bell, blamed on the board s response to the offer, which said that another investment firm, WINDACRE PARTNERSHIP LLC, holder of 9.61% of NIELSEN plus an .
/PRNewswire/ The WindAcre Partnership LLC ("WindAcre") today stated that it fully supports the decision by the Board of Directors ("Board") of Nielsen.
/PRNewswire/ The WindAcre Partnership LLC ("WindAcre") today stated that it fully supports the decision by the Board of Directors ("Board") of Nielsen.