sgr a chase ensues. i knew we were headed to a one-lane bridge. i can see a vehicle coming across that bridge. i know no other car can get through it. i knew there was nowhere for them to go. once on the one-lane bridge, the driver tries to maneuver around an oncoming taxi but instead hits it. now the passenger side is up against the guardrail and it seems like these guys have no choice but to give up. just when i thought it was over, i m telling dispatch there s nowhere for them to go. but instead the driver puts the van in reverse and guns it. i saw wheels coming at my face. pretty much the point when i saw the wheel coming at the windshield, i didn t know if the car would cave in. i didn t know if i would have a roof when i was done. when the car flipped over, they were still hitting the gas. officer carson jumps out of
his car and with another officer grabs the three suspects. aside from cuts from the broken glass, no one is hurt. the roof caved in maybe five, six inches in the center. the windshield was pushed the whole way down. all three suspects are arrested. among the charges are armed robbery and motor vehicle theft, malicious destruction of property and two counts of resisting arrest. looking back on that incident, officer carson realizes what a dangerous situation he was in and how lucky he is. i m just happy that when it s all said and done, i walked away from it. coming up, a driver plows into an overpass at 100 miles an hour. the driver was three lanes over from where the crash had occurred. a shootout from the back of a taxi. and a tale of two very different dogs. the dog whisperer weighs in. look at his tail. it s up and he s having a great
there was bullet holes that went through the top, went right above my head. i took multiple rounds into the grill, the hood, the dash, the windshield. everywhere he was sitting in the truck was shot. there s no reason i shouldn t have been shot. it s obvious that mike neal was a hero in this case. had those two got out of that van and got in walmart, it s untold how many lives would have been lost. still, the question remains why all this happened if the first place. the west memphis police discover that jerry and joe cane were radical right members of the sovereign citizens movement, the canes traveled america giving seminars on how to avoid following some of the laws of this country. this video was posted on youtube by one of the seminar s participants who wanted to spread their message. you re being lied to just so we can wrap our hands around your throat. they don t have to go by any rules of this country.
thank god they don t know where we re staying at, because then they are going to find everything that we have. i told them we just got here. we just drove down here today. the next thing you know, they pulled out the little parking pass that was sitting on the front of the car in between the dash and the wind shield. oh, look what we found. we know where you guys are staying. you are staying at the hotel corona. i didn t know what to tell him. he goes, you, white boy, you re coming with us. and they threw me in a pickup. it s starting to settle in a little bit about what was going on. i should have never came down here. i was thinking, i got to get out of this mess. little did i know, there wasn t going to be a way out.
kate stienle was killedbian illegal immigrant. it caws in question the illegals allows to be free in the u.s. robert gray in los angeles, thank you very much. right now, sign was division in the democratic party over the iran nuclear deal. will the friction have an impact on whether the agreement passes. plus, a plane s wind shield shattered midflight. i fly constantly and this was the scariest ten minutes of my life. i thought when it was happening. have i told everyone that i loved, that i love them?