exception in the rules of congress. we have the whistleblower testimony, the whistleblower does not wish that to be made. john: fireworks on capitol hill, barbs at the house weaponization subcommittee hearing. fbi under a microscope after several whistleblowers accuse the agency of unfair treatment. sandra: employees had security clearances revoked against the politicized rot. republicans accuse the bureau of a partisan agenda. we ll take it up with katie pavlich and ben coming up. john: first, the supreme court granting a huge win for big tech and a pair of liability cases as the fight to protect free speech continues on capitol hill. i m john roberts in washington, great to have you here today. sandra: great to be here again, john. good to be with you. this is america reports. nation s highest court has now determined that twitter was not responsible when third party content was posted on its platform by the terror group isis. john: and side stepping on a case
educating people, all people, by the way, on how to handle windfalls, make adjustments. they call it a propensity to spend and how to curb our propensity to spend wind falls and those kinds of things, all of these are moot points to begin with and if they ever went through, you would be shocked and saddened to see five years later where all the money would be. sandra: that s a great point, charles. finish off by asking about biden s energy crisis. a major warning about the u.s. power grid as we enter the summer months, a map of the blackout risks in the country as the grid faces an elevated risk of shortages in the coming summer months amid a nationwide push as we have seen to replace fossil fuels with green energy alternatives. the top grid watchdog warning of this. the north america electric reliability corporation is warning the vast majority of the u.s. grid, excluding a lot of the east coast, may have
down, we finally got the lehman collapse, bailouts of wall street and 208 that weren t necessary, and now back doing the same thing for the same time and it s only helping the speculators, it is not caution the economy to grow. it is not causing jobs to be created and that s kind of the essence of where we are at the present time. what s the way out you what are the solution? one thing is for both parties to recognize that this crazy policy of zero interest rates and massive money printing and buying huge amounts of debt at the fed is harming main street it is crushing savers and fixed income people and it s allowing the 1%, the small group of speculators who dominate the hedge funds in wall street to make huge wind falls and laugh all the way to the bank. the first step is getting fed under control. the second step is getting money purged out of politics and
those firms fail. it wouldn t have spread to the main street banks. they weren t engaged in this kind of lenked speculation themselves didn t own the toxic assets. there was never a risk that the atms would go dark or pay rolls wouldn t be met. all of this i describe in shorthand as a coup detat by wall street. and it led them running around the third floor of the treasury department propping up wall street when the taxpayers of america never should have been thrown in harm s way. i read through your new york times piece and i would like to quote. you wrote the modern state is paralyzed and broke. the periodically lavishes the top 1% with speculative wind falls. you blame giant social insurance blankets promoting homeownership, subsidizing medical care know barreling out
wind falls, that kind of money has to come from somewhere and one of the revelations of the last few days is that the government is about to hit the debt ceiling sooner than it was going to, a month sooner because of the tax bill. nobody in the republican congress or trump administration liked to dwell on the fact their bill is projected to add $1.5 trillion to the debt and deficit. so i understand as a matter of messaging, they like to avoid that but appears they didn t plan for that consequence of this policy they have just passed. and so having just finished one government shutdown already, which happened on the one-year anniversary of this president taking office, the only time we had a government shut down with one marty in control of the house and senate and white house while we are facing another government shut down thursday night this week, we are also now looking at a very fast oncoming train, which is the debt ceiling that the government has to actively do something to avoid