Le Mesurier: A key player in the network of sordid regime change propaganda fielded by the Anglo-Americans. Now dead under suspicious circumstances. Men with a lot of Western establishment dirty secrets have a propensity for suicide.
NATO-friendly media & organizations refuse to address White Helmets’ atrocities
An extraordinary, concerted establishment campaign to rehabilitate the reputation of White Helmets founder James Le Mesurier has unfolded over recent months.
First, in late October, came a 6,000-word hagiography in The Guardian less than a fortnight later, the BBC transmitted a 15-part radio documentary on his firm, Mayday Rescue.
Emma Winberg, Le Mesurier’s spouse and Mayday’s Chief Impact Officer, played a starring role in both efforts, in the process breaking the public silence she’d rigidly maintained since her husband’s mysterious death in November 2019.