Most opulent baby audits around. Joel pacifier problems have led to two close calls with her baby. Diane after two different scares, the stanford woman says she is done with them. Ryder mostly happy but sometimes fussy and in need of soothing. Mom never thought much about it until he was about two months old and he was gurgling. I found the pacifier had woken off and was lodged in his throat. Diane she tried to get it out of his mouth but the nibble was gone. I did the highlight and it finally came out. It would have killed him if i diane she called the pacifiers manufacture and was told it is very rare. Diane they apologized and sent her this new package with pacifiers and a note asking her to sunnybrook and one back to asking her to send the broken one back. He was trying to get something out of his throat. Diane it happened again. The nibble pour apart from the base, stuck in his throat and got it out just in time. I had the scare of my life twice. We are not using them again anymor