formerly hollins college in the state of virginiaof. so npr went to the scene to provide breathless moment to moment coverage of this controversy. listen, here s how hollins latest admissions policy works. if you re a transgender woman, you can apply if you re a trans man, no, but if you transitione to maleaf after you get to hollins, you can stay and that s an important shift before 2019 if you transitioned while at hollins, you have to transfer out finally if you rena non binary, holland says no, your application will not be accepted to be admitted. you have to quote consist onlys live and identify as a woman and that s messed up, says sophomore willo seymour, who is genderqueer. so it s pretty simple at transgender women are welcome transgender or men areno not. but then there s the question of the non binary they seem to be excluded too. and this not surprisingly has the gender community quite upset. wait a second.
what s a gender? lemper never explains that you re supposed to knoww the answer though of course nobody actually does know the answer. no one has any freakin idea, including the news editors at npr because the term genderqueer is completely mysterious. it has no actual definition. in fact, it s more a litmus test than it is a word. but that doesn t mean it s notar real. the gender players at hollins are on the warpath over the non binary admissions controversy and the enraged include n genderqueer sophomore willow seymour. listen personally i think it s pretty offensive toof exclude non binary people. i that historically it s i a women s college but a lot of people see it is liket t a refe from patriarchal structures and non binary people deserve to be as much part of that ases anyone else. well, theres you have it, willow. seymour thinks it s pretty offensive to exclude non binary people from hollins because hollins was createded to serve as a refuge from patriarchalal structures