sure that those folks that are intoxicated are put into the city jail, she doesn t want to criticize those out on the sleep. she wants to make sure they move and wake a walkway on the sidewalks. the city manager has to come in with d data and s suggestionsns then thehe city coununcil will . that willl likelely happen nexe montnth. well, nearlrly 14040 p peop arreststed in a multiaiagency crackdowown on sexex a abuse an californrnia countieses. policece made thehe announcemem opionnonlineiaian unfoldeded iwo es. social m media to idedentify divividuals trafffficnn chi porn. secondd invnvolved executingng search wawarrants. the suspepects wer arresteted o suspicicion of vararious actsts. child expxploitationn iss o