This article by Taylor Engle was originally published on The Bluntness and appears here with permission.
Cannabis is renowned for its influence and inspiration in the music world, and we usually associate this intersection with hip hop, R&B, rap and rock.
However, a
2017 study actually revealed that there are more cannabis references in country music than in rap or rock, and that country stars sing more about cannabis than any other drug.
“Country music does have the most drug mentions, and a lot of the country songs do speak about marijuana quite a bit,” data scientist Logan Freedman told
but, of course. the question of a catholic church or baptist church. there s also between politicians who want to play to passions and score political points and politicians who want to solve problems. found a thoughtful solution in utah. in indiana, i feel and in the arkansas legislature, they were playing to passion instead of thoughtfully addressing the issue. i would be absolutely hammered in these social media areas. neighborhoods that willie was talking about. which bothers you, i m sure. it does. it keeps me up at night. it s why i have this drinking problem. coffee. but the wouldn t admit he was for gay marriage until he had to face another election. he navigated those. what he would say and he said it in response to my book. he said that there was a gap between what his personal
has quote higher than it has ever been historically. willie? on monday of this week u.s. veteran michelle lang hort shot and killed her sufficient out a v.a. facility in pittsburgh. the v.a. is looking into what if anything we could have done better for this veteran. on morning joe, we talk about the grim reality of veterans committing suicide every day. the data highlights the vital need for resources for america s returning heroes. someone on the mission every day. army veteran and founder of iraq and afghanistan, veterans of america, paul reikhoff. great to see you. feels like it s always under tough circumstances. there are sufficient issues. you ve been working on this issue and a lot of people have. this is a reality. we have a long way to go. we try to frame it as a public health crisis. we re losing buddies to the left and right of us every day. 31-year-old veteran in the parking lot at the pittsburgh
he was incredibly on it. i m not sure he was with the times. i probably wants to pull back now. willie again, jeb bush taking two completely different positions in a couple days. yeah. this has been a litmus test. some haven t spoken out. i don t think we ve heard from rand paul or chris christie. marco rubio has been pretty clear on a lot of issues. with iran, you can have the economy or a bomb but not both. he s come out pretty clearly. this is an interesting one. jeb stuck a tough line on immigration and education. he hasn t decided to on this he s very socially conservative. a convert to catholicism. you can see for jeb personally, this is a conflicting issue. i think that s why we ve seen a rare moment of jeb bush kind of speaking both sides of an issue. show that met more to sis coming up. a huge story out of california. the state resorting to drastic
step forward reach out to us and other organizations. we want the american people to up too. supporting our group and the other nonprofits donating time resources, money. all the things you can to get their back as they come home. for more information, dw to to get more nflgs. paul thank you so much for everything you do. greatly appreciate it. heard you talking to willie beforehand asking him a provocative question. yes. what s your bracket look like? willie was he s writing the vanderbilt riding vanderbilt bandwagon again. i m four of four. i posted on twitter. i had michigan state. i want to see. i m four out of four. i m skeptical. i think kentucky is going to take it. they re the best college team. they d probably beat the knicks if that he played them. not saying much. i m not an oracle. kentucky against duke in the