Charlie Flemming, a 44-year IAM member, and current Georgia AFL-CIO President, recently announced his retirement from the Georgia AFL-CIO, effective January 1, 2023. Charlie was elected as Georgia AFL-CIO President in 2011 after serving as the Atlanta-North Georgia Labor Council president.
The Winpisinger Center is excited to announce the call for the inaugural IAM Education Conference, to be held Sunday, March 26 through Friday, March 31, 2023, at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD.
IAM Aerospace General Vice President Mark Blondin, a 44-year member who has led IAM aerospace workers at the international and district levels, as well as the IAM’s Southern Territory, will retire from the IAM, effective January 1, 2023.
CROMWELL, Conn., May 1, 2022 – Approximately 3,000 members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) District 26, Local 700 in Middletown and Local 1746 in East Hartford, Conn., voted to ratify a new contract with Pratt & Whitney, a Raytheon Technologies Company.
The Transportation Department’s Critical Incident Response Training (CIRT) team recently returned to the Winpisinger Center (W3) to participate in its fifth annual class. The 25 participants applied the knowledge and experience they gained from their first four years on the team to this year’s back to the basics curriculum.