John Bellamy Foster Over the last decade and a half, the concept of extractivism has emerged as a key element in our understanding of the planetary ecological crisis.
This month’s Review of the Month by John Bellamy Foster illuminates the idea of extractivism, a key concept in understanding our current planetary crisis.
Another bureaucratic war criminal, Robert MacNamara, said in Fog of War that he made it a rule "not to answer the question asked but to answer the question I wished they had asked". He added that it was a good rule. It is a good rule of psychological warfare never to acknowledge the obvious messages
The main fears of the Club of Rome's 1972 study have been reaffirmed, the authors say. But there is still a scenario allowing for widespread increases in human wellbeing within the planet’s resource boundaries.
By Hezri A Adnan and Jomo Kwame Sundaram
in Kuala Lumpur
Inter Press Servic
Ahead of the first United Nations environmental summit in Stockholm in 1972, a group of scientists prepared The Limits to Growth report for the Club of Rome. It showed planet Earth’s finite natural