“The Mystery of the Drawn Daggers” comes with a mailing of clues and objects which seem to have popped right out of the audio play and delivered to your doorstep. Magnifying glass not included.
We Happy Few is a small but dynamic theatrical company housed in the Washington, DC Capitol Hill neighborhood. Currently, they are producing dramatized audio versions of classic mysteries, but with a twist. Their excellent audio productions may be purchased with an optional package of artifacts which add a physical dimension to the audio play. During our past Halloween season, We Happy Few featured an Edgar Allan Poe collection under the title, “A Midnight Dreary,” which was available with a fabulous collection of faux items from some of the stories at the time of Halloween. The current production features the Victorian lady detective, Loveday Brooke, a creation of writer Catherine Louisa Pirkis. While the author may not be well-known today, during the 1890s her books were best-sel