Re-inventing the Wheel, a feature documentary directed by Kelowna-based filmmaker Ryan Tebbutt, has won three film festival titles in Canada and beyond.
People with disabilities say B.C. s COVID-19 vaccine priorities leave them unprotected
Advocates say the current criteria exclude a wide range of people who are more likely to become seriously ill or die from COVID-19, and they ve been kept in the dark about how B.C. has arrived at its definition for clinically extremely vulnerable patients.
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Groups call for more transparency as patients with high risk of serious illness and death left out
Posted: Apr 08, 2021 5:00 AM PT | Last Updated: April 8
The B.C. government has estimated that about 200,000 clinically extremely vulnerable people qualify for priority access to a COVID-19 vaccine. Nearly five times as many qualify in Alberta.(Esteban Felix/The Associated Press)