MOULTRIE, Ga. – Not many Colquitt County residents had much to say about the Board of Education facility update proposals during a second public hearing Monday night.
MOULTRIE, Ga. — An elementary school principal in rural Georgia says he lost his job in retaliation for emailed comments he made speaking out against racial injustice.
essentially the judge can not be unbiased in this case when it comes to the commonwealth. they filed a motion for recusal. what this essentially asks the judge recuse herself from the case, from the hernandez trial, because in a prior murder case involving the same prosecutor, that could would be assistant district attorney william mccalley, they argue this judge exhibited antagonism and bias towards the prosecution throughout the case. the paperwork goes on to say this perception of bias was manifested by the judge disparate treatment of counsel. needless interference of the prosecutor s presentation of evidence, unfair exercise of discretion and goes on to say, that the disparagement of the prosecutor before the jury by words, tone and conduct as well, bill. molly, if the judge is not recuse herself what, how awkward does it become? reporter: right. exactly. and it is the judge s choice here and she will be weighing in on that today. we would think, perhaps thinking things over.