new hampshire from tj winnick as we are getting ready for the new hampshire primary. mitt romney has a double digit lead. will that hold up? let s go to tj with a live report from new hampshire. [no audio] [technical difficulties] [no audio] reporter: good morning. it is primary day here in new hampshire. the only surprise might be who will finish second to mitt romney? the votes are in. the tiny new hampshire village refound in for casting the ballots. huntsman and romney tied with two votes a piece. i m very happy. reporter: the former massachusetts governor leads in one poll by 24 points. just yesterday, made a biggest slip on the campaign trail. like being able to fire people that provide services to me. reporter: he was trying to make a case that people like to pick their own health insurance. governor romney enjoys firing people. i enjoy creating jobs. reporter: in the multimillionaire front runner uttereded this line. reporter: this was rick perry monday