Early plats designate the plantation now called Indian Field (Indianfield) as “Southampton,” this tract touching and lying immediately south of the old St. Julien grant, Northampton, many years later, the
Eutaw Plantation lay between Eutawville and the Eutaw Springs Battlefield. William Mazyck Porcher was marched from Mexico Plantation to Eutaw Plantation then to Charleston by General Hartwell in 1865. This photo of Eutaw was taken in 1935 before it was flooded by the Santee-Cooper Project. The house was built in 1808 by William Sinkler and
The Ophir house was large and beautiful. Like all the houses of that period it was constructed of hand-sawn lumber. It had four stories, a large basement, and an attic. It now lies beneath Lake Moultrie. A family legend tells of a man traveling up the Santee River Road (now Hwy 45) by stage coach