7 vintage Alabama homes and the fascinating history behind them AL.com 54 mins ago Jeremy Gray, al.com
In the past two years, Zachary Aaron has logged thousands of miles in his car, driving back and forth across the state, snapping pictures of vintage Alabama homes and sharing their history on his Instagram account Alabama Houses.
“I’ve always been into Southern history and architecture,” the Florence-based mortgage underwriter explains. “I love to explore off the beaten path.”
His day job with a credit union helps Aaron research the history behind the homes as do community Facebook pages in the towns where he finds the aging houses.
June 21, 1947 was the date of one of the most mysterious and widely-debated incidents in UFO lore. A man named Harold Dahl, his young son, and several men were shocked and amazed by the sight of a veritable squadron of circular UFOs, with holes around the sides, flying over the waters of Maury Island, Puget Sound, Washington State. Five of the craft seemed to be moving in a smooth fashion at roughly 2,000-feet. That certainly couldn’t be said of one of them: it was clearly, and dangerously, out of control. That was made even more obvious when that particular craft suddenly plummeted to a height of around barely 700-feet. This was not a good sign. It was practically an omen. The rest of the mysterious aerial vehicles skillfully maneuvered out of the way, except for just one craft: it proceeded to “touch” the malfunctioning one, as things were described at the time. That didn’t seem to help. The craft then started to “spew forth” a huge amount of material – and showered d