cabinet and said, we have all of the books on fromm. where were you? so i took fromm and looked at the twers lives. and i d like to go through some of them with you. the psychoanalyst clinician is pretty clear. he called it not opposition to freud, but quote: dancing with freud. and in this dance with freud, fromm has two basic concepts. one he calls character structure, something within us finish and it s not freud s inner drives, just some kind of energy within us is shaped by the external social milieu in different ways with different conditions and people to give us our basic character. a good, a bad, a mixed character, but that. and so unlike freud where the inner drives are central, for fromm the external social structures are central. the other concept is what he calls central relatedness. and this is quite a break from freud. for freud the analyst was neutral, and the analyst projected and transferred his or her baggage onto the analyst. the analyst didn t have much