Police found bone fragments belonging to Alfred Milne and Eric Stubbs who died after their RAF Mosquito crashed south of Middlesbrough in 1944 - five miles from Kenneth Ward s home.
shrouded with myth and mystery. mark strassman will search for the sink hole truth in our sunday morning cover story. reporter: in the last year, this place went from a haven for retirees to a virtual ghost town. residents fled worried that the earth might swallow their homes. you never think about something like that. no, i could never imagine a sink hole. reporter: a giant cavity below ground that rises to the surface is the disaster you never see coming. that sinking feeling, later on sunday morning. osgood: the first lady michelle obama has a list of goals for herself. this morning she looks ahead to the next four years and beyond with our lee cowan. come on, buddy. reporter: it s the first time in their professional lives that her husband isn t running for something. which leaves the first family s future more wide open than ever. have you allowed yourself to sort of picture life after the white house? not really because there s so much to plan right here. we