Captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2008 Freedom Freedom. Freedom. Freedom Freedom Freedom we shall overcome those young people singing the anthem of the American Revolution of 63 were freedom riders. They were a part of the pattern developed in this revolution, a pattern fashioned by events more than events fashioned to a pattern. Along the way they not only involved the freedom ride but also the sitins, the direct Action Campaign. Borrowed the economic boycott, involved the use of federal troops, killed and has been killed. Were about to see them all, and as we see them we will see the growing participation of young whites in the battle. That participation enlarged the dimensions of the revolution physically and morally and they have taken part in increasing numbers, particularly in sitin demonstrations. It was a tactic employed by College Students in greensboro, North Carolina on february 1st, 1960 a group of freshmen from the agricultural and Technical College wrote a
Disobedience. Now were about to explore the means by the negro to civilly disobey. Every revolution has its marching music. The American Revolution of 63, forged it into a powerful weapon for unity and inspiration. This gentleman here first. O freedom and home to my lor free what are we marching for . Freedom how long are we going to march . Freedom, Freedom Freedom, freedom come and i want to go home freedom come and i wan to go home freedom come and i want to go home freedom, Freedom Freedom come and i want to go home freedom, Freedom Freedom come and i want to go home freedom come and i want to go home freedom come and i want to go home freedom, Freedom Freedom come and i want to go home freedom, Freedom Freedom come and i want to go home Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom we shall overcome some day we shall overcome some day those young people singing the anthem of the American Revolution of 63 were freedom riders. They were a part of the pattern develo