BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA (May 3, 2023) The following people recently were initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines.Samantha Biermann of Moline (61265) at Western Illinois UniversityWilliam Duncan Jr.of Long Grove (52756) at Iowa State UniversityNatalie Jacocks of Geneseo
Farmington Police Department blotter for April 9, 2021
The Daily Times Staff
The following arrests were reported by the Farmington Police Department. Everyone who is arrested is considered innocent unless proven guilty.
• William Duncan Jr. was arrested at 10:45 a.m. on April 9 on the 2300 block of East 16th Street due to an arrest warrant.
• Winston Sandoval was arrested at 3 p.m. on April 9 on the 100 block of West Animas Street for alleged possession, consumption, sale or service in public places.
Calls for service
Below is a digest of service calls performed by the Farmington Police Department. Full printed records are available in the department’s lobby at 900 N. Municipal Drive.
Prairie Lives
We have been learning about the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic from its origins in Kansas; to its spread across the nation, aided by the movement of troops during WWI; to its mutation into a more deadly form over the summer; to its reaching our region in the fall of 1918.
October 1918 was an awful month in our region. The influenza epidemic raged through the region, infecting hundreds and took at least twenty-six lives through October 17. The suffering and death continued through that month.
The Lyon County News-Messenger continued carrying front page coverage of October influenza deaths in its Oct. 25 and Nov. 1 editions.