The family of an innocent man shot by police during a 2018 incident at Barney Allis Plaza in downtown Kansas City, Missouri has reached a settlement in a civil lawsuit.
The lawsuit was brought by the parents of Robert White, who appeared to have been randomly assaulted by Timothy Mosley on the afternoon of June 14, 2018, while White was seated at a table at Barney Allis Plaza. White, who was unarmed, was shot at least 15 times by KCPD officers.
1856: William Hackley recorded in his diary: Rose at 4 and walked on the beach, returned home and bathed. At 7:30 a.m. barometer 29.66, thermometer 85, wind northeast 2, clouds 4. Went to the dentist and had one tooth filled with gold. The filling he put in on Saturday (an amalgam of Kadnium) came out last night and he put a wedge between the teeth so as to open them up if possible to prevent further filing so that he could get at the place to put in a gold plug. When I went home I found cook (Black Matilda) was sick with some fever and pains in the head, back and limbs. Sent for Dr. S.F. Jones who said he thought that she might have a severe spell and that I had better have her moved so after dinner I went to Alexander Pattersonâs and borrowed his horse and carriage and taking Annie with me drove up to the Salt Ponds and told William Dennis that Matilda (Black) was sick and that I wished he would have her moved. He came down as soon after me as he could and had her moved to Old