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Building a fast and light puzzle game feature - The Godkiller - Chapter 1
I explain the game mechanics of The Godkiller and how they give the game a different kind of feeling than a typical puzzle game. Posted by ErikH2000 on
May 2nd, 2021
As I described earlier in the “My Trailer Needs Work” article, I’ve not done a great job of showing gamers what playing
The Godkiller is like. They mostly yawned through my double-A cinematics and promises of a story-rich experience.
But I am convinced the game mechanics are solid, fun, and, dare I say it… unique. Let me go over the basic verbs available to you as a player.
The Godkiller - Chapter 1 Windows, Mac game
You will explore and solve intricate hand-crafted puzzles by Erik Hermansen, creator of the long-running
DROD series. The game moves at your speed, allowing you to prevail using your brain, and not reflexes. Many puzzles involve spelling words, but no knowledge of English is required to solve these or to win the game, overall.
The story is full of surreal situations and dark comedy. The characters are fully voiced with wonderful acting, and even singing. Chapter 1 begins asking the question: what would it mean to fight against a powerful being that created you and the workings of the Universe itself?