anything, i just told him stop, that s enough. i ve been here, what, seven months. enough is enough. two months later, william bernard would no longer have to worry about defending himself in jail. his judge found him not guilty by reason of insanity. but the legal definition is different than it sounds. the judge says he was competent to stand trial but not in a proper state of mind on the night he had the conflict with his father that led to his arrest. he was remanded to the state department of health, who will monitor him, and he must report to the court every six months for the same period of time he would have gotten in prison had he been convicted. in bernard s case that s 20 years.
i guess i ve got too good of a heart. but nick gets it done. some people, i think, i m like, you know, he s a good guy, just let him go with that. but nick likes to charge everybody for everything. no matter what it is. something simple, give me a snack. sometimes i don t mind doing favors. but nick s good about it, though. we re going to go broke if we don t don t charge for everything. got to look out for me. got to make money. in the end, it s jail, so it s all about me. battaglia got his new position when the inmate who held it prior to him got into trouble. i replaced bernard. he got caught tattooing. they moved him to s-2 now. william bernard had already given himself a new hairstyle. he got into trouble when staff also noticed a freshly made
so being you cooperated somewhat, we re going to give you 10 days in lock. all right? so you re done. good to go. all right. i felt like just cooperating. i don t know. just seemed like the better thing to do at the time. my bunky. i m done with him. we can t associate anymore. while battaglia s relationships in the jail might have landed him in segregation, william bernard s have resulted in violence. he was recently assaulted in his housing unit. what happened was an inmate gomez polanco and inmate rivera assaulted inmate bernard as he walked up the stairs. they got him at the first couple stairs. bernard was already on the ground. definitely was out of it. once it was called out, we were probably inside less than a minute after the fight was called out. bernard was laying on or sitting on the ground, looked dazed.
max is ten years on my charges that i have. there may be criminal charges filed against inmate battaglia. more than likely not because of the small amount that was coming in. and being that the the return address was phony, there s no way to determine who actually sent it in. battaglia does not know that yet. if they find me guilty, i m going to be upset because i can t risk another charge. instead of criminal charges, battaglia and his cellmate, who requested to remain anonymous, will each be investigated and receive disciplinary hearings. how are you going to fight the case? my words. i m just going to tell the truth. the first place i would look is the bunky. coming up when you moved into the cell with battaglia, are you aware of him doing that? battaglia s bunky speaks out. and william bernard is the subject of a jailhouse rumor.
inmate tattoo on his wrist. since tattooing violates jail rules, bernard is confined to a disciplinary cell he now shares with lewis pizzi. i wanted it to represent a bronze star or a general star to symbolize the military, because i know a lot of the guys that had passed away had gotten bronze stars, medals of valor, quite a few of them got purple hearts before they even got killed, so i wanted to go along those lines. and i ll probably get a tattoo of a purple heart later on down the road. bernard said he chose the star to honor men he served with in the army, who had lost their lives. he also has a new war wound of his own, or in this case a busted lip. from a fight with another inmate. but he says this time he stood up for himself. and it even seems to have improved his stutter. he tried to manhandle me, grabbed me by my throat. that didn t work. and he punched me. i told him to stop. like, i wasn t crying or