ERVING As Selectboard member William Bembury prepares to call it quits, he holds confidence that newly elected Jim Loynd’s “fresh ideas and desire to listen” can maintain positive momentum in Erving.Loynd was elected to a three-year Selectboard term.
ERVING Write-in candidate James Loynd has been elected to a three-year seat on the Selectboard, beating out nominated candidate Daniel Watson to highlight Monday’s town election results.Loynd defeated Watson, the only candidate on the ballot running.
ERVING Town officials are seeking an explanation from engineering consulting firm Tighe & Bond regarding what they say is a $200,000 discrepancy in cost estimates for demolition of the vacant International Paper Mill.Three of the four new demolition.
ERVING With higher demolition estimates than initially anticipated for the International Paper Mill, the town will return to the Capital Planning and Finance committees to evaluate next steps.Three of the four new estimates surged beyond the initial.
ERVING With higher demolition estimates than initially anticipated for the International Paper Mill, the town will return to the Capital Planning and Finance committees to evaluate next steps.Three of the four new estimates surged beyond the initial.