And he kissed the bride. My god what happened to you . Yeah, i looked pretty good back then, didnt i . course that was before lenore started cheating on me. Two weeks before. sobbing uh. Uh, yeah, but. But cant you meet someone else like on the internet . You can use your old picture. No, no, no. What are the odds of me finding another beautiful, classy lady passed out in my lap at a molly hatchet concert, huh . What about me . You think another pretty asian girl is going to move in next door . Nope. You get one chance at love and if you screw that up youre going to be alone forever. What about this one . Dear bobby, ill love you forever. Connie. That was a lie. I had a letter just like that from lenore. I had to destroy it before it destroyed me. Oh. When it rains, it pours. Lets get you cleaned up and home. Youll probably want to start sleeping soon. Well, we may not have won the contest but at least it was kind of romantic. You and me against the world, and all. loud sobbing bobby .
Winnetka Park District’s Recreation Manager Toby Ross said the Memorial Day the observance is meant to be a more somber program, a smaller parade not to match the fanfare of the Fourth of July.