already you re not only my friends, i admire you, you re smart. how in the world can you align yourself with these people? can i make a comment with tom friedman? do you know who else had a mustache like tom friedman? hitler. tom friedman is hitler. there you go. what harry reid said about the tea party if he could say hezbollah, i can say that, correct? you re 100% right, absolutely right. what about reid? i can read it for you. read it, will you. reid tweeted last night, boehner s plan is not a compromise, it was written for the tea party, not the american people. hmm. democrats will wil will not vot.
let me clue in, they re already you re not only my friends, i admire you, you re smart. how in the world can you align yourself with these people? can i make a comment with tom friedman? do you know who else had a mustache like tom friedman? hitler. tom friedman is hitler. there you go. what harry reid said about the tea party if he could say hezbollah, i can say that, correct? you re 100% right, absolutely right. what about reid? i can read it for you. read it, will you. reid tweeted last night, boehner s plan is not a compromise, it was written for the tea party, not the american people. hmm. democrats will wil will not vot.