david brodeur wrote a piece in the washington post. the donors, the governors, members of congress that run the party, are they going to support her? is this a reality as far as the 2012 race or is she something that is from a spectacle. two different things going on we have to ask ourselves who is who. as you point out, the polls show that more than 70% think she is not qualified when you look at all the polling. thank you, january on it march tip. thank you, andrea. putting suspected terrorists on trial should they be tried in civilian courts or military tie brunls. jan harman, chairman of the house sub committee joining us. send us your thoughts, find me on twitter at mitchellreports. small business owners have a lot of questions. can paperless billing get me paid faster? how can i keep my best employees? how can i bring down my insurance costs? that s why we re building a community called openforum.com where owners can swap ideas and ask questions. will tweeting get me more
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