author of the book the coming collapse of china, okay, gordon, how did president xi change your mind and what is your new position? yeah, president trump in assembly speeches dwelled on sovereignty and when i heard them that s ridiculous, the whole notion of sovereignty was settled in 1642 at the treaty, but xi jinping of china for more than a decade has been dropping hints that china is the world s only sovereign state. he s been adopting the notion of china rules all under heaven so we need to have a conversation of sovereignty. i thought it was settled but xi jinping is attacking the very basis of the international system. so you said that president trump is the only key from blocking china to block china? yeah, he s the only global leader who has been talking about sovereignty, everybody else is either just dropped the
it absolutely is, arthel, we should not be using as bargaining chip in trade talks, you know, the dominance of technology in our world right now is so critical, so we have to make sure that the chinese do not through predatory means take over the world through hauwei and 5g, the fifth generation of wireless communications and hauwei is a threat not only to us but to our friends and allies and partners, so clearly we should be doing all we can to protect ourselves and helping hauwei is not on my list of what we should be doing. so then if china s goal is to be a technology beast, could any american president stop china s drive for tech dominance? well, we can and largely because xi jinping primary tool is made in china 2025 initiative to dominate now 11 sectors in the technology, well, this made in china 2025 plan is violation of world trade obligation that is china has undertaken.
all 6 members of members of congress who are people of color. i think you re spending too much time reading between the lines. no, i m reading in the lines. jenna bush hagger is telling president trump to knock off rhetoric, president trump has a busy week ahead of him starting tomorrow, he will sign the 9/11 victim s compensation fund bill into law and later this week, treasury secretary steve mnuchin will travel to shanghai china to continue trade talks with china, arthel, back to you. arthel: we will talk about that later this hour, thank you, david. both sides are calling it cover-up, leaders are saying the president is doing just that. so what comes next?
china are trying to salvage the deal, iranian official called today s talks constructive but did not resolve everything, iran wants to sell its oil as it did before the u.s. started reimposing sanctions sanctions, the official says that iran is going to keep reducing their commitments to the deal until there s agreement that secures iran s interest. eric. eric: ellison, in a few moments in newscast we will have exclusive interview, i sit down with president s middle east pointman, the number one threat to israel and arab allies in middle east is iran. arthel. arthel: eric, washington and beijing restarting trade talks this week, what to expect and why our next guest says the only thing standing between us and a world dominated by china is president trump mm, uh, what do you do for fun?
this also way we can do this, hauwei technology is built on stolen and other tech, hauwei equipment to surveil other countries, this is a real danger to everybody, so this is a threat to that international system that we were talking about, so we should do all we can to deny technology to hauwei. arthel: but we just didn t we allowed it, though, i m a little i have a few more seconds and i think i m missing the point here, gordon, i apologize for that. so you say that president trump is the person the president, the leader who is who can stop china s, you know, quest for world dominance in terms of technology, but yet you just said that the deal in allowing hauwei to do business with some american businesses is still a national threat and that s problematic so i m confused. well, president trump should not be giving any sort of exemptions to hauwei from the commerce department entity list, that s within president trump s