Though peak clock rates hit the glass ceiling of 5GHz almost two decades ago, silicon scaling has managed to keep delivering improved performance but using parallelism instead of raw speed.
Innovation in military avionics platforms is being driven by funding for new avionics platforms and upgrades of current systems plus new investment in unmanned aircraft system (UAS) programs. Avionics requirements are also demanding a modular open systems approach (MOSA) for nearly every refresh or platform.
In this issue, Military Embedded Systems hosts an online roundtable with avionics software experts, discussing military avionics technology, design trends, and challenges.The panelists discuss the complexities of multicore architectures, safety-certification challenges, securing of flight-control systems, and how modular open system approach (MOSA) initiatives like The Open Group’s Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Technical Standard impact military manned and unmanned avionics.
Our panelists are Dr. Benjamin Brosgol, member of the senior technical staff at AdaCore; Gary Gilliland, technical marketing manager, DDC-I; Will Keegan, chief technical officer, Lynx Software Technologies; and Alex Wilson, director of A&D solutions, Wind River.
What makes an effective tech strategy?" Boldly press into technical novelty, assure tech solves a valuable problem and reduce risk with early customer validation."