the senate with 64 votes, 67, 70, that s sort of a talking point that, sure, will influence boehner a bit but the point is you probably have to pass it with majority of democratic support. so you don t want to send down a bill that s unacceptable to big chunks of the democrat caucus in the house. okay, you got 70 votes but now you lost a third of the democrats in the house and you can t get it passed. i think not only a lot of the people i talk to but reformers are interested in getting a good bill with 62 votes and the pressure will still be on john boehner at that point. let s say they did it with 60, the bare minimum. we re talking about six republicans flipping over and voting for it. i wonder the reaction, michelle, in the republican world if something like that happens, do they feel the kind of pressure george is talking about or does that create an opportunity for conservative republicans to say, hey, this is like six rhinos, seven who jammed the amnesty bill down our throats,